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Antiques, Militaria and Railroadiana


June 10, 2022
Online pre-bidding starts at 9:00 PM

June 25, 2022
Live online bidding starts at 10:00 AM

465 LOTS

All lots are available online on our bidding platform.

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Online and Live In-Person Auction of
Antiques, Militaria and Railroadiana
June 25, 2022 10 AM EDT

1951 W Division Rd, Fowler, IN 47944

This will be a fantastic eclectic sale consisting of many smalls as well as larger items. The railroadiana portion is highlighted by three different locomotive headlights, a pair of marker lights, a large brass bell that is extremely nice and LOUD, a number of vintage locks (some with keys), a number of lanterns including an amber globe Great Northern, various Chessie smalls and some Great Northern dishes.

Militaria items include several WWII era German helmets, two WWI era pickelhaube helmets, numerous tinnies, PLM Blue max medal, 1st and 2nd class iron crosses plus many other medals, several badges, several swords, a Kriegsmarine naval dagger and other smalls.

The antiques and other portion includes a nice selection of nice cast iron banks and toys, some paper currency, a large collection of Swiss Army knives (none of much age), Virginia and West Virginia mining tokens / coins, mining lanterns, a great selection of small vintage coin banks, several vintage telephones, matching sets of 1960’s and early 70’s automobile license plates, a large collection of vintage prophylactics in original packaging (1920’s to 1940’s), some advertising and much more.

All online bidders shall pay a 15% buyers premium, in-house bidders pay a 10% buyers premium, a 3.5% convenience fee shall be applied for credit payments or 5% for paypal payments on top of the entire invoice. Shipping is handled in-house but billed on a separate invoice through Shipping Saint, a website that we use to get the best rates.

We are always accepting good consignments for future sales, single items or entire collections, vintage toys, all scales / gauges and all manufacturers of toy or model trains, vintage model kits, action figures, comic books, Star Wars items, slot cars, die cast cars such as Corgi, Matchbox, Hot Wheels and Dinky, Marx play sets, vintage and modern luxury fountain pens and more. We have well over 45 years of experience on our staff in dealing with vintage toys, collectibles and valuable items.

Wylie Stivers IN AU11500031 TCA 14-70225
Toystrainsandotheroldstuff LLC
[email protected]

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